Nineteenth year

As always, in 2024 our focus remains on helping Bolivian street children to help themselves. During this year, we will:

  1. Finance and champion Phase 2 of the “Positive Discipline Programme” for all Alalay staff (in Santa Cruz and La Paz) – equipping them with the necessary tools to better support our kids – read more about the success of Phase 1 HERE
  2. Renovate the girls’ welcome house (in the city) as part of our house restructuring plans so that it can be rented out as an office space to generate an income for Alalay
  3. Fund our eldest children through their vocational training courses
  4. Pay the salary of a house mother, so she can continue her vital work bringing up and educating our children
  5. Fund the production of fresh Christmas panettone (to sell and generate further income) which has been a great success in recent years

You can always read more in detail about our planned/completed projects in our newsletters HERE.

Plus continue to:

  1. Raise awareness of the plight of the street children in the UK and elsewhere
  2. Work together with Alalay staff in Bolivia to identify future needs and establish more production projects, with the eventual aim of making Alalay largely financially self-sufficient

When I am in the UK I speak regularly at primary and secondary schools, churches and other groups of all ages about the plight of the street kids. Please do get in touch if you’d like me to talk at any event or find out about upcoming fundraising events here.