How Can I Help?

There are two main ways:

Organise a talk/fundraising eventtable.jpg

Please help spread the word about Friends of Alalay. Just contact us if you have any good fundraising ideas or would simply like someone to speak to your group.

Make a donation – Gift Aid applies

Click HERE to make a secure online donation, single or regular.

To make a regular donation by bank standing order: please download and complete the Alalay standing order form. The completed form should then be posted or emailed to us (via the address shown on the form) and the lower section sent to your bank.

To make a single donation: please send a cheque payable to “Friends of Alalay (Santa Cruz)”, or make an electronic transfer. The account number is 68359403 and the sort code 60-02-38 at the NatWest Bank.

Please ensure that we gain maximum benefit from all donations by completing the Gift Aid form that you can download HERE and posting or emailing it to us (via the address shown on the form).

Remember, EVERY penny that you give will go directly to Bolivia
to find, accommodate, feed, care for, love and educate the street children
in the care of Alalay. Nothing is spent on administration.