Alalay in pictures:
Santa Cruz, the streets, the children, fundraising events and supported projects
- Bolivian wildlife
- Santa Cruz cathedral - rich areas
- Santa Cruz drainage canal - home of the street children
- Life on the streets
- Street child
- Alalay children
- Annie and girls at welcome house
- The aldea
- A new home at the aldea
- Purchase of textile equipment to make school uniforms
- "Noah's Ark" - English courses
- Casa de Bristol volunteers' cabin and medical centre
- On-site medical centre
- Paid salaries of houseparents
- Equipped carpentry workshop
- Financed adolescents through vocational training
- Renovated prevention house
- Kingsdown Homegrown Fair 2010
- Ben and Gary half marathon
- Doynton Christmas sale
- Saltford Walkers cream teas
- Avon scouts jamboree 2
- Avon scouts jamboree 1
- Whack-the-rat
- Kingsdown Homegrown Fair 2011
- Juliet and Sophie 10km run
- Oliver 10km run
- LATA party
- Ben Nevis hike
- 18th Bristol Cubs entertainment evening
- Music night 2
- Music night 1
- Fundraising supper
- Beautiful cards (hand-made by the kids)
- Jerichon 10km run
- Alalay cake bake-off
- Doynton Christmas market
- Kingsdown homegrown stall 2012
- Sponsored leg wax
- Bike ride Bristol to Japan