Over the past years, many people have organised a tremendous number of innovative events to raise money for the street children. They include: sponsored silences, hikes and marathons; cake sales; music nights, car-boot sales; suppers and entertainment evenings to name a few. In the above tabs you can find out more about upcoming and past fundraising events, and see some photos too!
Please do get in touch if you would like to organise any event.
- Doynton Christmas sale
- Solo bike ride Bristol to Japan
- Kingsdown Homegrown stall 2012
- Sponsored leg wax
- Charnwood big bake-off
- Jericho 10km run
- Clifton Hotels Wonderland fun day 2
- Clifton Hotels Wonderland fun day 1
- Bath 100-mile bike ride
- Marshfield Fête
- LATA party
- 18th Bristol Cubs entertainment evening
- Hand-made Christmas cards
- Music night 2
- Music night
- Ben Nevis hike
- Fundraising dinner
- Trailblazer's cheque
- Kingsdown Homegrown Fair 2011
- Christmas sale
- Saltford Walkers cream teas
- Avon Scouts Jamboree
- Avon Scouts Jamboree 1
- Whack-the-rat
- Kingsdown Homegrown Fair 2010
- Colston's Primary School cheque
- Juliet and Sophie 10k run
- Oliver 10km run