We are thrilled to announce that the LATA Foundation has financed a second Friends of Alalay project – creating a 3000-strong quail farm at Alalay. The quails will provide an additional source of nutrition for the street children and eggs will also be sold to local outlets creating a sustainable income. Quail eggs are a particular delicacy in Bolivia and command a good price. Find out more about the LATA Foundation and the project HERE.
In 2010, the LATA Foundation provided all the equipment for our on-site medical centre. This helps to monitor child growth and development, provide inoculations and deal with immediate first aid. It is also used by children and adults who form part of Alalay’s prevention programme. You can find out much more about the prevention programme at the bottom of the ‘Alalay’ page and read more current news about our many supported projects in our newsletters.
Have a look at the quail project press releases here: