Real Madrid and Alalay: socio-sporting schools

escuela sociodeportivoWe are thrilled to announce that early next month (October) a brand new project will be inaugurated in Santa Cruz. Alalay is partnering with the Real Madrid Foundation and others to offer a Socio-sporting School. Children from Alalay and other identified high-risk youngsters from the local community will be brought together to play football whilst also learning many other vital skills. As quoted by the Real Madrid Foundation website:

These schools promote activities that teach values, human rights, the culture of peace, the positive use of free time, fair play, companionship and the fight against discrimination.

A similar project has already been run very successfully by Alalay in La Paz and El Alto and we are very excited to see it coming to Santa Cruz! Involved Alalay staff have just returned from La Paz where they participated in project training sessions and press meetings in advance of this project beginning in Santa Cruz. More news and photos coming soon!

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