2015 and new project discussions

A very happy new year to all of our supporters from the Alalay children and staff. We are currently busy discussing new project ideas with Alalay and will update you as soon as we have any news regarding the projects that we will be supporting throughout this year.

In the meantime, here are some photos of some of the Alalay children enjoying Christmas together… This involved a very large Christmas dinner, sacks of presents and even sparklers! (Just click on a photo to see an enlarged image).

Also, some of the Alalay children are featured in a new advertising video for “Imagen Real” (a photo and video shop in Santa Cruz). Throughout December the shop is running a promotion, where 100% of their profits on certain packages goes directly to Alalay. A fantastic local fundraising effort! Watch the short video HERE (and try to spot some of our children!)

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