Children’s Day in Bolivia

Today, the 12th April, is “el Día del Niño” (Children’s Day) in Bolivia. A happy occasion where children and adults celebrate together. There are special events, processions and parties in schools, presents and games galore, and generally, just a very happy atmosphere! And for the Alalay kids it will be no different – they will be wearing freshly washed clothes, celebrating and playing with their classmates, and simply enjoying being children.

We are so happy to be able to support our children every single day – giving them the opportunity to once again enjoy their childhood and forget the many horrific experiences through which they may have suffered. The photo below (taken by the very talented Ben Ashmole Photography during their visit to us) demonstrates this perfectly – some of our younger boys and their housemother enjoying a good giggle together during teatime!

Happy “Día del Niño” to all Bolivian children today, wherever they may be.
May they all find a safe place to call home.

alalay teatime

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