The International Alalay family

People are the lifeblood of any organisation, and this is definitely the case at Alalay. We are very proud of our caring and dedicated staff team, who will do everything within their power to improve the lives of our children – offering them a better future and opportunities about which the kids could never have dreamed.


Our current fantastic volunteer Sasha, making a very large batch of chocolate brownies for the kids!

I first went to Bolivia as a volunteer for six months in 2006, and obviously decided to further help in any way that I could. And there are many many other volunteers from all different countries who do the same every single day. People who give up their time for no pay, sharing their skills, expertise and passion with the kids to enrich both theirs and the childrens’ lives. Over the last nine years we have sent out countless volunteers from the UK to Santa Cruz. They have painted murals and played football, checked the kids’ teeth and eyes, made rockets from Coca Cola bottles and had their hair braided many times over, run sexual health awareness workshops and taken the kids camping, taught the children dance and art, photography and cookery, rugby and English, cricket and music. And I like to think that they have received a whole lot more from the children in return.

Thank you so much to all of them.

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