Child protection training for Alalay kids

DSC08422Recently the Alalay kids attended training regarding the proposed new Municipal Law for Child Protection. The workshops encouraged all participants to share and discuss their opinions regarding the rights of infants, children and young people, with the underlying emphasis that all of their rights are inalienable and undeniable. The training was interactive and during the day the kids learnt the fundamental point that no-one has the right to hurt them under any circumstance.

Clearly it is vitally important that all children, regardless of where they grow up, are educated about their rights, but here at Friends of Alalay we are really pleased that our children were invited to this training. For our kids, who have often suffered from horrific abuses before coming to Alalay (and are still within a very vulnerable sector of society) it is paramount that they know and understand their rights and in-keeping with Friends of Alalay’s philosophy, are empowered to help themselves.

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